Payment Gateway Client Library
PgcKeys.h File Reference

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key separator section

#define PGC_KEY_SEP_CELL   "-"
#define PGC_KEY_SEP_ITEM   "_"
#define PGC_KEY_SEP_GRP   "~"
#define PGC_KEY_SEP_JSON   "/"
#define PGC_KEY_SEP_PROP   "."

Environment variable keys section

 Environment variable: Unique name.

General keys section

#define PGC_GENVAL_TRUE   "Y"
 General. More...
#define PGC_GENVAL_FALSE   "N"
 False, No.

Property keys section

 Connection Properties. More...
 Unique name.
 Session default.

Option keys section

#define PGC_CONNOPT_PREFIX   "xConnOpt_"
 Connection Options. More...
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_TIMEO   "xConnOpt_Timeout"
 Int: Time out.
 API: 5 secs.
 API with low latency: 2 secs.
#define PGC_CONNOPTVAL_TIMEO_TXN   "10000"
 Transaction: 10 secs.
#define PGC_CONNOPTVAL_TIMEO_TXN_UI   "120000"
 Transaction with UI: 120 secs.
 Batch: 300 secs.
#define PGC_CONNOPTVAL_TIMEO_MSG   "15000"
 Message: 15 secs.
 Message with low latency: 5 secs.
#define PGC_CONNOPTVAL_TIMEO_FILE   "7200000"
 File: 2 hrs.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_MSGFRAMING   "xConnOpt_MsgFraming"
 Str: Message framing; Def: 101.
 Str: STX/ETX message framing.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_USESTRFMT   "xConnOpt_UseStrFmt"
 Bool: Use string format; Def: Y.
 Str: Client certificate file path; Def: pgccrt_cln.pem.
 Str: Server certificate file path; Def: pgccrt_svr.pem.
 Str: Server key file path; Def: pgckey_svr.pem.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_CIPHERLIST   "xConnOpt_CipherList"
 Str: Cipher list; Def: empty (can be set to "DEFAULT:!SHA:!MD5:!3DES:!RC4")
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_LASTERRCODE   "xConnOpt_LastErrCode"
 Int: Last error code, set it (reset it)
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_ISSYNCMODE   "xConnOpt_IsSyncMode"
 Bool: Is synchronous (non-async) mode; Def: N.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITBEFOREHANDSHAKE   "xConnOpt_WaitBeforeHandshake"
 Int: Wait before handshake; Def: 50.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITBEFOREHANDSHAKE2   "xConnOpt_WaitBeforeHandshake2"
 Int: Wait before handshake2; Def: 50.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITAFTERCONNECT   "xConnOpt_WaitAfterConnect"
 Int: Wait after connect; Def: 100.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITAFTERHEED   "xConnOpt_WaitAfterHeed"
 Int: Wait after heed; Def: 100.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITAFTERLISTEN   "xConnOpt_WaitAfterListen"
 Int: Wait after listen; Def: 100.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITAFTERPOLL   "xConnOpt_WaitAfterPoll"
 Int: Wait after poll; Def: 10.
#define PGC_CONNOPTKEY_WAITAFTERACCEPT   "xConnOpt_WaitAfterAccept"
 Int: Wait after accept; Def: 10.
 Int: Wait after failed connect; Def: 1000.

Session Options

Status/Statistics keys section

#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_PREFIX   "xConnSts_"
 Connection Status/Statistics. More...
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_LASTERRCODE   "xConnSts_LastErrCode"
 Int: Last error code.
#define PGC_CONNSTSPFX_CAP   "xConnSts_Cap_"
 Prefix for Capability.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_CAP_SYNCCLN   "xConnSts_Cap_SyncCln"
 Bln: Capability: Supports sync client.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_CAP_ASYNCCLN   "xConnSts_Cap_AsyncCln"
 Bln: Capability: Supports async client.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_CAP_FILECLN   "xConnSts_Cap_FileCln"
 Bln: Capability: Supports file client.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_CAP_ASYNCSVR   "xConnSts_Cap_AsyncSvr"
 Bln: Capability: Supports async server.
#define PGC_CONNSTSPFX_TS   "xConnSts_TS_"
 Prefix for Timestamp.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_INIT_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_InitBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Init Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_INIT_END   "xConnSts_TS_InitEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Init End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNINIT_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_UninitBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Uninit Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNINIT_END   "xConnSts_TS_UninitEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Uninit End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONNECT_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_ConnectBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Connect Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONNECT_HANDSHAKE   "xConnSts_TS_ConnectHandshake"
 Str: Timestamp: Connect Handshake (TLS)
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONNECT_HANDSHAKE2   "xConnSts_TS_ConnectHandshake2"
 Str: Timestamp: Connect Handshake2 (WSS upgrade)
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONNECT_END   "xConnSts_TS_ConnectEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Connect End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONNECT_FAILED   "xConnSts_TS_ConnectFailed"
 Str: Timestamp: Connect Failed.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_DISCONNECT_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_DisconnectBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Disconnect Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_DISCONNECT_END   "xConnSts_TS_DisconnectEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Disconnect End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_REQUEST_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_RequestBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Request Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_REQUEST_RECV   "xConnSts_TS_RequestRecv"
 Str: Timestamp: Request Recv.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_REQUEST_END   "xConnSts_TS_RequestEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Request End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_SEND_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_SendBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Send Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_SEND_END   "xConnSts_TS_SendEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Send End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONFIRM_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_ConfirmBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Confirm Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_CONFIRM_END   "xConnSts_TS_ConfirmEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Confirm End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_REPLY_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_ReplyBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Reply Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_REPLY_END   "xConnSts_TS_ReplyEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Reply End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_NOTIFY_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_NotifyBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Notify Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_NOTIFY_END   "xConnSts_TS_NotifyEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Notify End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_LISTEN_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_ListenBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Listen Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_LISTEN_END   "xConnSts_TS_ListenEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Listen End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNLISTEN_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_UnlistenBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Unlisten Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNLISTEN_END   "xConnSts_TS_UnlistenEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Unlisten End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_HEED_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_HeedBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Heed Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_HEED_END   "xConnSts_TS_HeedEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Heed End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNHEED_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_UnheedBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Unheed Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_UNHEED_END   "xConnSts_TS_UnheedEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Unheed End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_PERFORM_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_PerformBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Perform Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_PERFORM_END   "xConnSts_TS_PerformEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Perform End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_POLL_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_PollBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Poll Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_POLL_END   "xConnSts_TS_PollEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Poll End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_ACCEPT_BEGIN   "xConnSts_TS_AcceptBegin"
 Str: Timestamp: Accept Begin.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_TS_ACCEPT_END   "xConnSts_TS_AcceptEnd"
 Str: Timestamp: Accept End.
#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_PEERLIST   "xConnSts_PeerList"
 List of connected peers.

Session Status/Statistics

Info keys section

#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_URL   "xPeerInfo_URL"
 Peer Info (Other party end point) More...
#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_ADDR   "xPeerInfo_Addr"
#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_PORT   "xPeerInfo_Port"
#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_ADDRPORT   "xPeerInfo_AddrPort"
 Address + Port.
#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_CONNNUM   "xPeerInfo_ConnNum"
 Connection number.
#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_PEERLIST   "xPeerInfo_PeerList"
 List of connected peers.

Host keys section

#define PGC_HOST_ANY   "[any]"
 Hosts: special host names have brackets around. More...
#define PGC_HOST_SVR   "[svr]"
#define PGC_HOST_LOCAL   "localhost"
 local host
#define PGC_IP_LOCAL   ""
 local host IP
#define PGC_IP_BCAST   ""
 broadcast IP
#define PGC_IP_ALL   ""
 server IP
#define PGC_LIST_HOSTPORT_ALL   "(all)"
 Lists: special list elements. More...
#define PGC_LIST_ADDRPORT_ALL   "(all)"
 all addr:port pairs
#define PGC_LIST_TOPIC_ALL   "(all)"
 all topics

Service keys section

#define PGC_SVC_C9PG_PWE   "$WEB-C9PG-PWE"
 WSL: WEB Service Locator: service names start with $; web scope service names start with $WEB-. More...
 Payment Web Engine Test.
#define PGC_SVC_N1CL_TXN   "$LAN-N1CL-TXN"
 LSL: LAN Service Locator: service names start with $; LAN scope service names start with $LAN-. More...
#define PGC_SVC_N1CL_API   "$LAN-N1CL-API"
 CreditLine API Service.
 HSL: HOST Service Locator: service names start with $; host scope service names start with $HOST-. More...

Message parameter keys section

#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_DATE   "xMsgPrm_Date"
 Str: date.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_FROM   "xMsgPrm_From"
 Str: from uname.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_TO   "xMsgPrm_To"
 Str: list of to unames.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_SUBJECT   "xMsgPrm_Subject"
 Str: subject; topic.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_THREAD   "xMsgPrm_Thread"
 Str: thread.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_QOS   "xMsgPrm_QoS"
 Str: quality of service.
 Str: QoS: less than or equal to once; at most once; least expensive.
 Str: QoS: greater than or equal to once; at least once.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_QOS_EQONCE   "xMsgPrm_QoS_EqOnce"
 Str: QoS: equal to once; exactly once; most expensive.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_ISDUP   "xMsgPrm_IsDup"
 Bool Str: is duplicate.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_TORETAIN   "xMsgPrm_ToRetain"
 Bool Str: to retain.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_MSGID   "xMsgPrm_MsgID"
 Str: message ID.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_MSGTYPE   "xMsgPrm_MsgType"
 Str: message type.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_MSGTYPE_NORMAL   "xMsgPrm_MsgType_Normal"
 Str: Message type: normal.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_MSGTYPE_CHAT   "xMsgPrm_MsgType_Chat"
 Str: Message type: chat.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_MSGTYPE_GROUPCHAT   "xMsgPrm_MsgType_GroupChat"
 Str: Message type: group chat.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_MSGTYPE_HEADLINE   "xMsgPrm_MsgType_Headline"
 Str: Message type: headline.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_PAYLOAD   "xMsgPrm_Payload"
 Str: payload.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_PAYLOAD_BODY   "xMsgPrm_Payload_Body"
 Str: payload: body.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_PAYLOAD_URL   "xMsgPrm_Payload_Url"
 Str: payload: url.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_METHOD   "xMsgPrm_Method"
 Str: method.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_METHOD_POST   "xMsgPrm_Method_Post"
 Str: method: post.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_METHOD_GET   "xMsgPrm_Method_Get"
 Str: method: get.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_TASK   "xMsgPrm_Task"
 Str: task.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_TASK_GET   "xMsgPrm_Task_Get"
 Str: Task: get.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_TASK_PUT   "xMsgPrm_Task_Put"
 Str: Task: put.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_TASK_SUBSCRIBE   "xMsgPrm_Task_Subscribe"
 Str: Task: subscribe.
#define PGC_MSGPRMVAL_TASK_UNSUBSCRIBE   "xMsgPrm_Task_Unsubscribe"
 Str: Task: unsubscribe.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_LOCALPATH   "xMsgPrm_LocalPath"
 Str: local path.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_REMOTEPATH   "xMsgPrm_RemotePath"
 Str: remote path.
#define PGC_MSGPRMKEY_SKIPSRSP   "xMsgPrm_SkipsRsp"
 Bool Str: skips response.

Message keys section

#define PGC_MSGKEY_PEERADDRPORT   "xMsg_PeerAddrPort"
 Messages. More...
#define PGC_MSGKEY_SRCTRCNUM   "xMsg_SrcTrcNum"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_DSTTRCNUM   "xMsg_DstTrcNum"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_SRCUNAME   "xMsg_SrcUName"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_DSTUNAME   "xMsg_DstUName"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_USERNAME   "xMsg_UserName"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_PASSWORD   "*xMsg_Password"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_TOKEN   "xMsg_Token"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_METHOD   "xMsg_Method"
#define PGC_MSGKEY_ACTION   "xMsg_Action"
#define PGC_MSGVAL_ACTION_SEND   "xMsgAct_Send"
 Action: Send (client async)
#define PGC_MSGVAL_ACTION_REQUEST   "xMsgAct_Request"
 Action: Request (client sync/async)
#define PGC_MSGVAL_ACTION_REPLY   "xMsgAct_Reply"
 Action: Reply (server async)
#define PGC_MSGVAL_ACTION_NOTIFY   "xMsgAct_Notify"
 Action: Notify (server async)
#define PGC_MSGVAL_ACTION_CONFIRM   "xMsgAct_Confirm"
 Action: Confirm (client async)

Stamp keys section

#define PGC_TSKEY_STEP   "xTS_Step"
 Timestamps. More...
#define PGC_TSPFX_NAME   "xTS_Name_"
 Timestamp Prefix: Name.
#define PGC_TSPFX_IN   "xTS_In_"
 Timestamp Prefix: In.
#define PGC_TSPFX_OUT   "xTS_Out_"
 Timestamp Prefix: Out.

Parameter keys section

#define PGC_PRMKEY_ERRCODE   "xPrm_ErrCode"
 Method Params. More...

C9PG keys section

#define PGC_GWVAL_TRUE   "Y"
 C9PG: General. More...
#define PGC_GWVAL_FALSE   "N"
 False, No.
#define PGC_GWKEY_SRCTRACENUM   "SourceTraceNum"
 C9PG: Trace. More...
 Str: Gateway Trace.
 C9PG: Account. More...
 Str: Gateway Device ID.
 Str: Gateway Merchant Password.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ALLOWS_PARTIALAUTH   "AllowsPartialAuth"
 C9PG: Option. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_NEEDS_UI   "NeedSwipeCard"
 Bool: NeedSwipCard.
#define PGC_GWKEY_TXNACT   "TransType"
 C9PG: Action. More...
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_SALE   "Sale"
 Transaction Action: Sale.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_AUTH   "Auth"
 Transaction Action: Auth.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_INQUIRY   "Inquiry"
 Transaction Action: Inquiry.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_REFUND   "Refund"
 Transaction Action: Refund.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_FINALIZE   "Finalize"
 Transaction Action: Finalize.
 Transaction Action: AddTip.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_MODIFY   "Modify"
 Transaction Action: Modify.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_VOID   "Void"
 Transaction Action: Void.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_BATCH   "Batch"
 Transaction Action: Batch.
 Transaction Action: AddValue.
 Transaction Action: Activate.
 Transaction Action: Deactivate.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ISOFFLINE   "IsOffline"
 Bool: Is Offline; Def: N.
#define PGC_GWKEY_AUTHCODE   "AuthCode"
 Str: Authorization Code; "in" for offline transactions, "out" for regular transactions.
#define PGC_GWKEY_MAINAMT   "MainAmt"
 C9PG: Amount. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_TIPAMT   "TipAmt"
 Amt: Tip Amount.
#define PGC_GWKEY_INCTAXAMT   "IncTaxAmt"
 Amt: Included Tax Amount.
#define PGC_GWKEY_INCCASHBKAMT   "IncCashBackAmt"
 Amt: Included Cash Back Amount.
#define PGC_GWKEY_TAXIND   "TaxIndicator"
 C9PG: Tax. More...
#define PGC_GWVAL_TAXIND_PRVDED   "Prvded"
 Tax Indicator: Provided.
#define PGC_GWVAL_TAXIND_NTPRVD   "Ntprvd"
 Tax Indicator: Not Provided.
 Tax Indicator: Non-taxable.
#define PGC_GWKEY_INVOICENUM   "InvoiceNum"
 C9PG: Info. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_ORDERNUM   "OrderNum"
 Str: Order Number.
#define PGC_GWKEY_VOUCHERNUM   "VoucherNum"
 Str: Voucher Number.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ADDLINFO   "AdditionalInfo"
 Str: Additional Info; key value pairs.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ACCTNUM   "*AccountNum"
 C9PG: Card. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_EXPDATE   "ExpDate"
 Str: Expiration Date; Fmt: MMYY or MM/YY.
#define PGC_GWKEY_CVVNUM   "*CVVNum"
 Str: CVV, CVC Number; sensitive data.
#define PGC_GWKEY_TRACK1   "*Track1"
 Str: MSR Track1; sensitive data.
#define PGC_GWKEY_TRACK2   "*Track2"
 Str: MSR Track2; sensitive data.
#define PGC_GWKEY_PINDATA   "*PinData"
 Str: PIN Data; sensitive data.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ENCDATA   "EncryptionData"
 Str: Encryption Data; required when account number is encrypted.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ISCARDPRES   "CardPresent"
 Bool: Is Card Present; Def: Y.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ISPCARD   "CommercialCard"
 Bool: Is Purchase / Commercial Card; Def: Y.
#define PGC_GWKEY_MDM   "Medium"
 C9PG: Card Medium. More...
#define PGC_GWVAL_MDM_CREDIT   "Credit"
 Medium: Credit.
#define PGC_GWVAL_MDM_DEBIT   "Debit"
 Medium: Debit.
#define PGC_GWVAL_MDM_GIFT   "Gift"
 Medium: Gift.
#define PGC_GWVAL_MDM_PREPAID   "Prepaid"
 Medium: Prepaid.
 Medium: EBT Food.
 Medium: EBT Cash.
#define PGC_GWKEY_KEYID   "KeyID"
 C9PG: Encryption. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_ENCBLK   "EncrptBlock"
 Str: Encryption Block; encrypted track data or account number.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ENCTGT   "EncrptTrgt"
 Str: Encryption Target; Val: Track1, PAN.
#define PGC_GWVAL_ENCTGT_TRACK1   "Track1"
 Encryption Target: Track1.
#define PGC_GWVAL_ENCTGT_TRACK2   "Track2"
 Encryption Target: Track2.
 Encryption Target: PAN.
#define PGC_GWKEY_PINBLK   "*PinBlock"
 C9PG: PIN. More...
#define PGC_GWKEY_KSN   "KSN"
 Str: KSN.
#define PGC_GWKEY_STATUS   "Status"
 C9PG: Result. More...
#define PGC_GWVAL_STATUS_OK   "success"
 Status: OK.
#define PGC_GWVAL_STATUS_FAILED   "fail"
 Status: Failed.
#define PGC_GWVAL_STATUS_TIMEDOUT   "timeout"
 Status: Timed Out.
#define PGC_GWVAL_STATUS_CANCELED   "cancel"
 Status: Canceled.
#define PGC_GWVAL_STATUS_DATAINVALID   "invalidData"
 Status: Data Invalid.
#define PGC_GWKEY_RSPCODE   "ResponseCode"
 Str: Response Code.
#define PGC_GWKEY_RSPTEXT   "ResponseText"
 Str: Response Text.
#define PGC_GWKEY_AVSRSTCODE   "AVSResultCode"
 Str: AVS Result Code.
#define PGC_GWKEY_CVVRSTCODE   "CVVResultCode"
 Str: CVV Result Code.
#define PGC_GWKEY_AUTHAMT   "AuthAmt"
 Amt: Authorized Amount.
#define PGC_GWKEY_BALAMT   "BalanceAmt"
 Amt: Balance Amount.
#define PGC_GWKEY_BRAND   "Brand"
 Str: Brand; Val: Visa, Master, Discover, Amex, JCB, etc.
#define PGC_GWVAL_BRAND_VISA   "Visa"
 Brand: Visa.
 Brand: MasterCard.
#define PGC_GWVAL_BRAND_DISCOVER   "Discover"
 Brand: Discover.
#define PGC_GWVAL_BRAND_AMEX   "Amex"
 Brand: American Express.
 Brand: JCB.
#define PGC_GWKEY_ENTMODE   "EntryMode"
 Str: Entry Mode.
 Entry Mode: Manual.

Detailed Description

Payment Gateway Client Keys
Strings are all in UTF-8 encoding

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PGC_GENVAL_TRUE   "Y"


True, Yes



Connection Properties.

Connection parameter


#define PGC_CONNOPT_PREFIX   "xConnOpt_"

Connection Options.

Connection option prefix


#define PGC_CONNSTSKEY_PREFIX   "xConnSts_"

Connection Status/Statistics.

Connection stat prefix


#define PGC_PEERINFOKEY_URL   "xPeerInfo_URL"

Peer Info (Other party end point)



#define PGC_HOST_ANY   "[any]"

Hosts: special host names have brackets around.



#define PGC_LIST_HOSTPORT_ALL   "(all)"

Lists: special list elements.

all host:port pairs


#define PGC_SVC_C9PG_PWE   "$WEB-C9PG-PWE"

WSL: WEB Service Locator: service names start with $; web scope service names start with $WEB-.

Payment Web Engine


#define PGC_SVC_N1CL_TXN   "$LAN-N1CL-TXN"

LSL: LAN Service Locator: service names start with $; LAN scope service names start with $LAN-.

CreditLine Transaction Service



HSL: HOST Service Locator: service names start with $; host scope service names start with $HOST-.

Payment Device Controller


#define PGC_MSGKEY_PEERADDRPORT   "xMsg_PeerAddrPort"




#define PGC_TSKEY_STEP   "xTS_Step"


Timestamp Step


#define PGC_PRMKEY_ERRCODE   "xPrm_ErrCode"

Method Params.



#define PGC_GWVAL_TRUE   "Y"

C9PG: General.

True, Yes


#define PGC_GWKEY_SRCTRACENUM   "SourceTraceNum"

C9PG: Trace.

Str: Source Trace Number



C9PG: Account.

Str: Gateway Merchant ID


#define PGC_GWKEY_ALLOWS_PARTIALAUTH   "AllowsPartialAuth"

C9PG: Option.

Bool: Allows Partial Auth; Def: N


#define PGC_GWKEY_TXNACT   "TransType"

C9PG: Action.

Str: Transaction Action; Val: Auth, Sale, etc


#define PGC_GWKEY_MAINAMT   "MainAmt"

C9PG: Amount.

Amt: Main Amount


#define PGC_GWKEY_TAXIND   "TaxIndicator"

C9PG: Tax.

Str: Tax Indicator; Def: Prvded


#define PGC_GWKEY_INVOICENUM   "InvoiceNum"

C9PG: Info.

Str: Invoice Number


#define PGC_GWKEY_ACCTNUM   "*AccountNum"

C9PG: Card.

Str: Account Number; sensitive data


#define PGC_GWKEY_MDM   "Medium"

C9PG: Card Medium.

Str: Medium; Val: Credit, Debit, Prepaid, EBT, etc


#define PGC_GWKEY_KEYID   "KeyID"

C9PG: Encryption.

Str: Key ID


#define PGC_GWKEY_PINBLK   "*PinBlock"


Str: PIN Block; sensitive data


#define PGC_GWKEY_STATUS   "Status"

C9PG: Result.

Str: Status