Payment Processing API Documentation

From Cloud9 Payment Processing Gateway Documentation
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Cloud9 Payment Gateway Documentation. This site can also be reached at

Step One

Please, review the Developer Guide to determine the best integration approach, before diving into the API Documentation below.

API Documentation


The following document will give a good idea of how to use our Payment Gateway Client API (PGCApi), which have wrappers for other languages (VB, JS, etc) This is a simpler value pair operation library


The library has two basic elements:

Client can either connect directly to
a)Cloud9 Server Payment Web Controller (PWC) - this is a good option is local hardware payment terminals are not used
b)Local Payment Device Controller (PDC), which controls the payment terminal.
Payment Processing Session
an object that holds description of the transaction and it's result.

Basic Flow

  1. Initialize
  2. Connect
    repeat as many times as necessary
  3. Create New Transaction Session
  4. Set Transaction Parameters (uses simple Set String and Set Value commands)
  5. Send Transaction Request
  6. Get Transaction Response (uses simple Get String and Get Value commands)
  7. Close the Session
    go back to create a new transaction session, if more transactions needed
  8. Disconnect

Detailed Flow with C Examples

  1. Initialize the library
  2. Connect to the Payment Web Controller (PWC - direct Cloud9 Server connection) or local Payment Device Controller (PDC) Server
    1. Create Connection Handle
      int nConn = PgcNewConn(PGC_SVC_C9PG_PDC, "Name", "Token", PGC_TIMEO_TXN_UI, "PgcSample", ""); //USE PGC_SVC_C9PG_PWE_TEST for PWE
    2. Open the Connection, specified by Connection Handle
      int nErr = PgcConnect(nConn);
  3. Create New Transaction Session
    int nSess = PgcNewSess(nConn, 1);
  4. Set Session Parameters
    1. Set MID/TID/PWD
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_GMID, "1001396250"); // Gateway merchant ID
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_GTID, "GT1001396253"); // Gateway terminal ID
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_GMPW, "123"); // Gateway merchant password
    2. Set Transaction Type
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_TXNACT, PGC_GWVAL_TXNACT_AUTH); // Transaction action type -> authorization
    3. Set Transaction Medium (e.g. Credit Card)
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_MDM, PGC_GWVAL_MDM_CREDIT); // Payment medium -> credit card
    4. Set Transaction Parameters (e.g. Amount, Tax, Trace#)
      PgcSetAmt(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_MAINAMT, 123); // Main amount -> $1.23
      PgcSetAmt(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_INCTAXAMT, 8); // Included tax amount -> $0.08
      PgcSetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_SRCTRACENUM, "123456"); // Source trace number; will be returned for matching
  5. Send the Transaction Request
    int nErr = PgcRequest(nSess);
  6. Get Transaction Response and Approval Code
    PgcGetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_STATUS, sStatus, 256); // Transaction status, indicating if it is successful
    PgcGetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_RSPCODE, sRspCode, 256); // Response code returned from the host
    PgcGetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_RSPTEXT, sRspText, 256); // Response text returned from the host
    PgcGetStr(nSess, 0, PGC_GWKEY_AUTHCODE, sAuthCode, 256); // Auth code
  7. Close the Transaction Session
  8. Disconnect from Server
    PgcDisconnect(nConn); // Disconnecting from the controller; will be called automatically upon closing
    PgcFreeConn(nConn); // Closing connection to the controller; called once per connection
  9. Un-Initialize
    PgcUninit("PgcSample"); // Uninitializing library; called once per application upon exit

Online Documentation: Payment Gateway Client Library ver 17.08.14 documentation


Web Browser Samples

Web Browser Integration Samples


JSON API Documentation

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Windows Integration Samples

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iOS Integration Samples

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Android Integration Samples

From the makers of Cloud9 Payment Processing Gateway and Creditline Credit Card Processing Software